About ClinicalTrialsRoche
ClinicalTrialsRoche is an informational resource for patients, their relatives, caregivers or doctors looking for information in clear and simple language about clinical trials or diseases where Roche/Genentech is doing research or supporting research conducted by others.
You will find information about:
What clinical trials are, why they’re important and what it’s like to participate in one
What risks and potential benefits clinical trials may have.
How Roche/Genentech conducts clinical trials.
Certain diseases, with simple descriptions and links to additional resources
For Roche/Genentech sponsored clinical trials* you will find:
Information about the clinical trial itself.
Where you can find participating hospitals.
Layperson summaries of clinical trial results (where they are available).
Links to further clinical trial resources.
In addition, from March 2019, Roche has started to include information about investigator-initiated studies where Roche is a supporting collaborator. These studies are not sponsored by Roche and are included on ForPatients only if the trial sponsor agrees to such inclusion. For information on investigator-initiated studies where Roche is a supporting collaborator, please visit https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=&term=&spons=Roche&cntry=&state=&city=&dist= . (Please note: this link will take you to a full listing of trials where Roche is either the sponsor or a supporting collaborator)
This website is for informational purposes only and is not to serve as a diagnostic tool or to replace a physician’s advice. If you are participating in a Roche/Genentech sponsored trial and have questions about your treatment or otherwise about your participation in the clinical trial, please speak with the doctor or staff at your study centre.
Further information on clinical trials can be found on www.clinicaltrials.gov.
Please refer to local product information for any medicinal products mentioned.
© 2019F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
All rights reserved.
● All Roche/Genentech sponsored clinical trials that started after December 2015 that are available on clinicaltrials.gov, and that are not terminated, suspended or withdrawn
● Roche/Genentech sponsored clinical trials that started before December 2015, are available on clinicaltrials.gov and are still ongoing or have a layperson summary available for them